Small Claims Assistance Program
Small Claims Assistance Program
Resources and information on small claims court.

General Information
The Dane County Bar Association's Small Claims Assistance Center has returned to in person service every Tuesday morning from 9-11:30 am at the Dane County Courthouse, 215 S Hamilton Street. Assistance is provided on a first come, first serve basis. No appointments are made for the program. Spanish speaking services are available on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.
SCAP will be closed on Dec. 26, 2023.
Servicios en Español están disponibles el primer y tercer miercoles de cada mes.
At the clinic, volunteer lawyers or paralegals will meet individually with people and provide information, forms, and limited legal advice may be provided but no legal representation is available.
What kind of assistance will SCAP provide?
The volunteers of the Small Claims Assistance Program are here to help you. SCAP offers assistance with all small claims issues, including:
- landlord / tenant
- contract disputes
- wage claims
- enforcement of small claims judgments
SCAP can help you start a small claims case or with a case that is already started. We provide assistance to both plaintiffs and defendants in all small claims actions.
Free forms
Get the forms needed to start a small claims action, as well as almost all other forms needed to complete a small claims action.
These forms are available here: Dane County Small Claims forms
SCAP volunteers can help you fill out the small claims forms and answer questions about small claims court procedures. The volunteers can provide legal information that can help organize and prepare you to handle your Small Claims case as smoothly as possible. Volunteers can give brief and limited legal advice during your time at the clinic. Attorney cannot recommend a specific lawyer to you.
The volunteers can also guide you to community or other legal resources that might be helpful.
Remember: The Small Claims Assistance Program is intended for people without attorneys.
Consumer Law Clinic
(608) 263-6283
Free Legal Assistance
Get information about:
The wage garnishment process and possible exemptions
The forms you must fill out and give to your employer if you qualify for an exemption
An option for relief if you do not qualify for an exemption
Proyecto de Alivio de Embargo de Salario
La Clínica del Derecho del Consumidor
(608) 263-6283
Asistencia Legales Gratuitos
Recibir información de:
El proceso de embargo de salario y posibles exenciones
Las formas que debe completar y entregar a su empleador si califica para una exención
Una opción de alivio si no califica para una exención